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Buy YouTube Comment Dislikes

Subtleties of buying YouTube comment dislikes

All means are good at war — this tactic helped win many battles. And if you consider that there is a real war happening among beginning YouTube bloggers for a place in the sun, then we cannot ignore the topic of buying YouTube comment dislikes. Like a sharp sword, this technique can become both a deadly weapon against your competitors and a means of your effective defense. And only your moral values can become a determining factor in choosing how you want to use it. However, we can say with confidence that everyone should have this weapon at war, otherwise you cannot consider yourself a soldier.

How to buy YouTube comment dislikes

In contrast to videos ranking, the ranking of comments under a video is determined in a much simpler way. Absolute democracy reigns here, which means that no parameters other than likes and dislikes are important. And as it often happens in real life, elections go with many violations, which often greatly influence the final result.

MRPOPULAR offers you to play this kind of politics. But instead of blabbing candidates in costumes, our direct democracy’s subjects will be user reviews. In other words, and without metaphors, you will determine their position in the comment section by buying YouTube comments dislikes. This, as you know, can either put away a review out of the audience’s sight or show it to them. Thus, using this method, we can completely change how comments are displayed on your video or a video of your opponent.

Dirty tricks

Competition among novice YouTube promoters has become more intense recently. The situation is due to both the video hosting’s popularity and the transfer of modern capitalism’s real principles to the virtual spaces. Thanks to the first factor, we can explain a huge influx on YouTube of promoters of various goods, ideas or people. The second factor is choosing not very fair methods of conducting competition. Buying comment dislikes is one of them.

It should be noted that unfortunately (and maybe fortunately, see the paragraph on moral values), the platform developers are not fighting against this dirty trick, obviously considering the fact of buying likes / dislikes to be some kind of side effect. This is why this method is becoming an alternative for desperate youtubers, who believe that traditional methods will not work for them. Whatever it is, we see more and more people buying YouTube comment dislikes. Some people use this process to raise their advertising comments in comment sections of popular bloggers, while others can ruin their competitor’s image.

An example of how this works

The mechanism is not complicated, safe, and therefore effective. You should buy YouTube comment dislikes if:

  • Your reputation is in danger, and comments you’d like to see get a huge number of dislikes. As a result, they move down the comment section.
  • Your competitors want to tarnish your reputation by adding negative comments to your video, and then they make positive reviews disappear by buying dislikes for them.
  • This technique will allow you to move down a negative review in your comment section so that no one can see it.
  • Buying YouTube comment dislikes allows you swiftly get rid of reviews with hidden advertising subtext.

As you can see, this method is very effective for improving someone’s reputation based on feedback.

Disappointing conclusions

As you probably understood, you should always have a decent countermeasure tool at hand to protect yourself from the dirty tricks described above. Sometimes, even just being able to respond adequately will guarantee your integrity. And for those, who want to buy YouTube comment dislikes, we’ll say that for us, as for professionals, no one’s moral principles are important. We just do our job, and we do it well.

Lastly, a traditional reminder. Our experience allows us at MRPOPULAR to say that the best promotion strategy is a combination of several proven methods with unconventional ones, which, without a doubt, includes buying YouTube comment dislikes. It is especially important at the initial stage. Further on, its efficiency decreases, since the number of comments on your videos will significantly increase, making it difficult to manipulate likes / dislikes.

Promotion services with MRPOPULAR

As you can see, promotion on YouTube is not an easy thing to do, especially for a beginner. MRPOPULAR will not only solve all the problems above, but also use all their tools to accelerate the popularization of your page. Our toolkit contains everything you need, and buying dislikes is one of many services we provide. Only with us will your promotion be truly effective, and most importantly — safe.